Friday, February 17, 2006

Highest Law

Love God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. This is Jesus's restatement of the most important commandment.

The PBGs have been going on about this too. I have been taking a course recently that has been helping me improve my life. Early on, I felt a nudge of encouragement from the PBGs to follow this path. There is no doubt in my mind that the value I gain from taking these courses will increase my abilities to play my part in the PBGs plans.

On the other hand, it may just tempt me to try to take control of the plan or take credit for the wonderful accomplishments I have attracted into my life. Pride goes before the fall, don't you know.

My fantasy visions of my future include loads of friends, lots of money, a fleet of yachts, a studio with loads of beautiful artworks made by my hands.

Hmmm, not a lot of OOPBGB going on in all that. And where in all of that is the True Connection? Sounds a bit greedy now that I think about it.

Those PBGs brought this clever advertisment about a marathoner to me. How could I resist taking a look. Not only a marathoner who is clever, with business savy, but a ladies man and a smooth talker. "Is this how you picture your future?" they asked me.

Next on the hit list, they suggest I do the next church Rotation -- the temptation of Christ. This lesson is about Jesus staying in the desert for 40 days and nights with no food and only a little water. He is tempted by the serpent. So is that it Guys? Am I being tempted by the serpent here? Are you telling me that my pride will get me into trouble?

And what is with the picture of a boat covered with sexually appealing girls and me in the center? Do you mock my dream or dare me to accomplish it?

It seems likely that you are saying to me that there is Only one Lord. That the pursuit of money/power is evil and that I should put it behind me.

If I am looking for true connection, it should not be with these things it should be with God.